What is Hemp? The myths, the facts and the application of this wonder plant

Hemp is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant species. Hemp is often understood in relation to marijuana—another strain of the same species. While botanically they are from the same species of a plant, they are genetically different forms of cannabis. The two are distinguished on the basis of their use, chemical composition, and cultivation practices.

Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated plants known to man. Our ancestors have been using Hemp for its various benefits for several years. It is known to have originated in Central Asia and is also known to be a native of the Himalayas. Due to its origin, it is also referred to as the Himalayan Herb.

Chemical Composition of Hemp

Hemp is the richest source of cannabinoid CBD in the cannabis species. This is because they contain hardly any THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). which is the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis that gets one high.

The main difference between CBD and THC is that unlike THC, CBD isn’t psychoactive and doesn’t cause a high in users either. This is why hemp is sometimes also called the non-high cannabis.

Cannabinoids are the unique chemical compounds in the cannabis plant that exhibit a range of physiological and psychological effects.

CBD makes up about 40-60% of the hemp plant. THC is present in negligible amounts that often range from 0.03-1%. In addition to these, it contains some other cannabinoids and terpenes.

Besides the beneficial cannabinoid profile of hemp, it also plays host to a variety of healthy nutrients that bring with them significant health benefits.

Whole hemp seeds contain approximately 25% protein, 30% carbohydrates, 15% insoluble fibre, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulphur, calcium, iron, and zinc along with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, and E.

Hemp seeds also contain essential fatty acids in the optimal ratio of 3:1 (omega-3: omega-6)

Benefits of Hemp

1. As Edibles

  • Protein from hemp seeds is more digestible than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cow’s milk or any other high protein food. Digestibility refers to how well or poorly a protein is absorbed and utilised by the body. The more digestible a protein is, the more available it will be to your body.
  • Hemp has Edestin and Albumin, considered as “high-quality storage proteins”. They house a significant amount of all nutritious Essential Amino Acids.
  • Presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids help control many internal health processes. These range from increasing cell growth to regulating the immune system, and eliminating symptoms of skin disorders to keep the body healthy.
  • Slowing the digestion process, it keeps the body feeling fuller, hence acts as a weight loss supplement.
  • Called as nature’s superfood, it includes all muscle-building Amino Acids such as Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA).

2. In Personal Care

  • Hemp contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids that help in restoring skin elasticity and act as an anti-agent.
  • It reaches into the deep layers and helps to reset the collagen productivity of your skin.
  • It reaches into the underlying layers of your skin, hydrating it from within and preventing your skin from drying up.
  • It contains Linoleic Acid that helps in protecting the natural lip colour and its SPF contents protect from different climates.
  • It nourishes lips to restore and hydrate dry, cracked and chapped lips, making them soft, smooth and supple.
  • Hemp oil also aids in enhancing hair growth due to the presence of Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids.
  • Since hair is made up of Keratin, which is 90% Protein, this Hemp Oil provides it surplus protein content during the hair growth process.
  • It also improves blood circulation on the scalp, which ensures that the hair follicles are nourished enough to support hair growth.

3. In the Fashion Industry

  • Hemp Is A Carbon Warrior
  • Uses Less Water Without Polluting the Water
  • The Soil Loves Hemp!
  • Hemp Requires Less Land To Grow
  • Hemp Is Antimicrobial & Durable
  • Hemp Fabric Softens With Time
  • Hemp Saves You From UV Rays
  • Hemp Is The Strongest Natural Fibre
  • Hemp requires less than 1/3rd of the nitrogen and less than ½ of the phosphoric acid required by cotton.